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A Christmas Day tradition since 1947, the Red Andrews Christmas Dinner is proud to provide warm meals and toys to approximately 7,000 citizens each year

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INGREDIENTS for a delicious christmas dinner and toys will be placed in the trunk of your vehicle.

for the safety of the community food will not be prepared -

no inside dining.


The Red Andrews Christmas Dinner will be distributing food, and toys at Santa Fe South Charter School on a first come, first served basis. The food and toys will be placed in your vehicle.

There will be no inside dining in 2024

Santa Fe South Charter School

Crossroads - 6921 Plaza Mayor Boulevard

Oklahoma City, OK

Christmas Eve - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Thank you to the volunteers and donors that make the Red Andrews Christmas Dinner possible. Because  of your help we were able to feed, provide coats and toys to a record number of people in 2023

To prepare for 2024, please consider hosting coat and toy drives.  

If you are interested in helping to continue the tradition, please use the following link to let us know your preference of location and time to serve.

Please use this link to sign up:

Mary Blankenship Pointer at 405 886 2886

ingredients for a mealand toys will be provided on a first come first served bases

Ingredients for a delicious Christmas dinner and toys will be placed in the trunk of your vehicle for contact free delivery.

Beginning October 1st toys can be dropped off at the following locations:

Frontier State Bank 5100 S. I - 35 Service Road

Goldman Law Firm 222 N W 13th Street

Cort Furniture 4300 NW Expressway, Unit B

Jackie Cooper BMW 14145 N Broadway Extension

Property Center

2905 NW 156th Street, Edmond, OK



Volunteers will be needed to help on December 22nd and 24th.

December 22nd - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - December 24th - 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. These opportunities include sacking food in bags, sorting toys, sorting coats, passing out food and toys.

Sort toys, coats, bag food and prepare Christmas stockings on December 22nd

Distributing food and toys on the 24th - 8:00 - 1:00